Dr Roös engages in projects at the intersection of design and architecture, science, art, philosophy and environmental research.
Living Structures - The Architecture for Life
In this ongoing project 'Living Structures – The Architecture for Life', I explore nature’s absolute interconnectivity and wholeness. I argue that recognising that the entirety is embedded in an all-encompassing consciousness, will move us beyond mechanics into a world made up of complex interrelationships of the ecological and human social systems. In order to create healthy living environments, architecture, design and everything we do, the way we organise our global society - critically needs to include the principles of biophilia – our innate connection to nature. Using visible and non-visible geometric forms and patterns found in nature, I have developed a regenerative-adaptive pattern language of life-giving phenomena that results in an ‘Architecture for Life’. Through film, sculpture, drawing and painting, and large archival cotton paper storyline scrolls, I am able to represent my findings from lifelong research. These works are an eclectic combination of mixed media analysing non-visible geometric forms and patterns in nature – a living architecture celebrating our planet and the dominance of nature.
Project Summary: Investigating the visible and non-visible geometric forms and patterns of nature - the 'Living Structures' - through immersive explorations, analysis, documenting, drawing, painting, sculpture and film production.
Author: Dr Phillip B. Roös Contributors: Prof Mark DeKay, Prof Timothy Beatley, Prof Nikos Salingaros, Dr Mary-Jane Walker Date Started: 2011 - Current Date Completed: Ongoing Location: Australia Media: Sculpture, painting, drawing, writings and film Outputs: Documentary film, exhibition, and book Collaborators: N/A Acknowledgements: Live+Smart Research Laboratory; School of Architecture & Built Environment; Deakin University; True South Film; The School of Lost Arts; Roös Atelier The 12 Fundamental Regenerative-Adaptive Patterns
Sketches, drawings and paintings analysing the Living Structures
Documentary Film: Living Structures
Installations / Sculpture
Drawings & Paintings
Gondwana Rainforests
The Gondwana rain forests... When I visit the Otway Forest, I feel this oneness with everything around me, interconnected with all living beings in this part of the world. It is as if all of my senses heightened to a state of wholeness with the earth, with the cosmos. This is indeed an example of the phenomena of Biophilia. However, I think that this is more than the scientific explanation of Biophilia - the human innate connection to nature - I feel that I need to investigate the deeper consciousness of this ancient land, Gondwana Land, a rainforest that connected all the continents of the Southern Hemisphere together.
Project Summary: Investigating the rainforests of Gondwana through immersive explorations, analysis, documenting, drawing, painting, sculpture and film production.
Author: Dr Phillip B. Roös Contributors: N/A Date Started: 2021 - Current Date Completed: Ongoing Location: Otways Forest, Australia (mainland), Tasmania, Africa, and South America, Media: Sculpture, painting, drawing, writings and film Outputs: In progress Collaborators: N/A Acknowledgements: N/A |
Sketches, drawings and paintings analysing nature's designs of the rainforest
Installations / Sculpture
Drawings & Paintings